"曲目 歌曲全集、魯特琴曲集、宗教音樂、讚美詩歌等 演出者 柯克比、諾斯等演唱 安東尼.盧利指揮音樂合奏團 本集精介 英國作曲家道蘭生前以精湛的魯特琴演奏和歌唱技藝聞名,時至今日他所流傳下來多首歌曲奠定了他作曲家的地位,更因他曲中的旋律及和聲,促成了「藝術歌曲」形式的出現;本套收錄有歌曲集、魯特琴及若干宗教音樂作品等;Decca發燒級的錄音、柯克比精湛純淨的天籟之音,加上企鵝唱片三顆星的高度評價,為此難得的曲目立下無人能超越的典範。
企鵝唱片評鑑*** '...this box cannot be recommended too highly' The Penguin Guide To Compact Discs 曲目順序 CD1 [1] - [21] First Booke of Songes (1597)
CD2 [1] -[22] Second Booke of Songes (1600)
CD3 [1] - [21] Third Booke of Songes (1603)
CD4 [1] - [16] A Pilgrimes Solace (Fourth Booke of Songes) (1612)
CD5 [1] - [5] A Pilgrimes Solace (conclusion) [6] - [17] Keyboard Transcriptions (of Dowland's music by other musicians)
CD6 [1] - [7] Mr Henry Noell Lamentations (1597) [8] - [28] Lachrimae (1604) CD7 [1] - [3] Sacred Songs [4] - [9] Psalms [10] A Prayer for the Queen's most excellent Majesty [11] - [24] Instrumental Music
CD8 [1] - [28] Lute Music
CD9 [1] - [27] Lute Music
CD10 [1] - [26] Lute Music
CD11 [1] - [11] Lute Music [12] - [27] Consort Music
CD12 [1] - [5] Consort Music [6] - [25] A Musicall Banquet (1610) "
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